Chocolate Coating in Belt Coaters There are several factors to consider when trying to model coating times At the end of the coating process the chocolate coating must be largely crystallised, otherwise it will soften as latent heat is released after coating Chocolate for coating is untampered hence it will crystallise more slowly than would …
Mar 07
Operational Efficiency – A simple tool to improve your understanding of operations
Operational Efficiency All businesses are under pressure at the moment, there seem to be so many things conspiring against small, medium and even large companies trying to build a future. It is therefore essential to question everything and to operate your business as efficiently as possible to create value and to maximise the benefits from your …
Mar 07
Raw Cocoa – Importance of Primary Processing
Primary Cocoa Processing at plantations is important in achieving bean quality and hence final product quality I have included this in the discussion because it illustrates the importance of primary ingredient processing and quality in the production of high quality finished products. In spite of its botanical origins being in South America, the large scale …
May 16
Chocolate Process Optimising
A major confectionery manufacturer based in the Gulf states needed to re-evaluate their chocolate making process to reduce fat usage and consequently enhance profitability. It was essential not to affect the quality, viscosity or process performance of their high quality chocolate. It was also important that the manufacturing operations were not interrupted by the tests …
Feb 19
Our industry tries to make headlines with sustainability, but in reality are we really considering the issue seriously enough? First of all let’s consider what we actually mean by “sustainability”, I suspect for some it means “how do we make even bigger more efficient manufacturing units”, for some it’s “how do we grab a few …
Mar 07
Opportunity Alignment
There are fundamentally three “forces” within a business which can contribute to significant changes in its products, efficiency and profitability. Marketing Manufacturing Research and Development It is arguable that finance is a fourth dimension, but in this context the role of finance is often more about evaluating rather than identifying opportunity. However that department can have …
Feb 19
Alternatives to Dairy Ingredients in Confectionery
There are now a number of ingredients which are used as alternatives to dairy products in confectionery. However many of them are essentially non-functional, whilst they provide a bulking agent and a label claim, they do little or nothing to replicate the flavours and textures normally associated with dairy ingredients A series of new technical developments …
Feb 18
Monitoring and Understanding Your processes
Understanding and Monitoring your Manufacturing Process There are two core issues which are essential for any business:- Produce a consistent, high quality product which meets the consumer’s needs Ensure that operations are functioning within their cost limits and that opportunities for improvement are constantly sought. Every business is under a pressure of one kind or …
Feb 10
Starting a Confectionery Business
There is a new and exciting page on the Website – a lengthy discussion about starting a confectionery business and many of the issues you will need to consider. Above all else a Confectionery Business is a Business and the commercial, marketing and sales issues are as important as the product itself
Feb 08
Project Film
A major American healthcare company wants to extend its range of VMS products into more adult markets I have investigated the buccal and lingual film based products including suppliers and manufacturers on their behalf and recommended potential partners