Tag Archive: Innovation

Feb 13

Innovation – a vital tool for growth

The major businesses in our industry seem to have completely ceased to produce innovative new products – I’m sorry but putting a different biscuit in a chocolate bar or salt in a caramel is not innovation, at best it’s line extension. Effort and resources seem to be devoted solely to reducing costs, possibly to cover …

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Jul 11

Innovative Ideas from a conservative industry

Interesting Ideas from Champagne Champagne is a huge product dominated by a number of large companies but there are also many smaller, less well known producers who have to compete in order to grow and flourish – sounds familiar? To many people “Champagne” is a generic product but this is far from true and the …

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Jul 31

Make your Chocolate stand out from the crowd

Many small and medium sized producers of chocolate products rely either on chocolate purchased from a third party or a recipe and set of ingredients which have a long history within their company. These products are often very “anonymous”, they lack character, that spark which will make the consumer remember them as an exceptional product. …

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Mar 27

So… you want to start a Chocolate Business – Part 1

  Lots of people want to start a chocolate business; it is one of the most frequent enquiries which come to my inbox. I can understand why, I’ve worked in chocolate most of my career and I’m still as entranced by it today as I was when I started. So what do you start with? …

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Jan 02

New Directions

New Product Directions – Some Challenging Thoughts for the Future The challenge and opportunity exists to change the whole direction of Chocolate and Confectionery development and to offer the consumer a series of radical new choices, relevant to now and the future rather than being rooted in the past. This also signals the opportunity for …

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